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Birth chart resembles a horoscope in that it illustrates the positioning of planets and stars as per one’s birthplace and time. A birth chart is sometimes known as natal chart, radix, natus chart, genethliac chart, as well as the nativity chart. This chart is believed to tell about the personality, career, and relationship prospects of a person. A birth chart is highly personalized in that it is helpful in explaining the reason behind things that happen and why they happen. For instance, the personality element of the chart talks about the weaknesses and strengths of a person while also focusing on how the natal chart influences in determining the person’s innate character. The relationship chart tells about the compatibility of the person with their partner while the career part of the birth chart focuses on determining an appropriate career. 

Birth charts are usually designed with a wheel format listing the cycles of human life while also enunciating about the cosmic evolution of the person. Furthermore, it also helps in understanding how the celestial planets and bodies influence cosmic composition in a person. Birth charts constitute a geometrical structure resembling the growth of trees. The quality of a birth chart that makes it separate from other horoscope means is because it is highly personal focusing on the individual just like that of a fingerprint. The planets and the various houses in the chart allow finding planetary configurations thus, providing in detail description of the individual. 

Understanding the importance of birth chart reading is essential in that it is helpful in offering information about the future of the person on a less precise level. If you are an ardent believer in the existence of planetary influence on your life, birth charts would probably be the best means to cater to this belief. You may be able to gain insight about some of the complicated questions that may pertain to decisions and reasoning as to why things happen the way they happen. Birth charts vary as per the civilizations such as Chinese charts offer different meaning as opposed to the European charts. Birth charts are probably the best means to understand the purpose of your birth and while you will be able to understand yourself better, it will help in gaining acknowledgment of your inner being.

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