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If you are searching for love or feel disconnected from your partner,
you may want to consider these insights from a noted Vedic astrologer.

As a Vedic astrologer who has worked with hundreds of people through the years to better understand their karma, I am often asked questions about love—how to find it, how to fix it, how to make it last, and so on. Time and again, I find that the answer comes down to total acceptance of your partner, in every single sense, and a willingness to make some sacrifices to evolve your relationship in the direction you desire. If you want something about your relationship to change, change yourself before trying to change your partner. Change in yourself will bring the required change in your partner. Also, remember that nobody is perfect and no two things in this universe are same. Know that you and your partner are two different individuals who can never be the same. Two individuals are born in different environments and have different belief systems, conditioning, perceptions, and experiences of life. Allow your partner to live in his or her own nature. Best partners are those who accept, sacrifice, and evolve together. Evolving Your Love Relationship to Perfection If you feel disconnected from your partner or feel something just isn’t working, you’re probably right. To help you navigate this challenge, I have developed a technique that will allow you understand yourself and your partner better. In this system, each individual falls in a different category or letter in the alphabet. With exploration, you can uncover what causes a disconnect between you and your partner, and then you may formulate a solution to strengthen your bond. These techniques are powerful in your evolution of love. Using the Latin alphabet you may better understand yourself and your partner, and bring your relationship to the next level of commitment and understanding. The intention is to bring each person to an infinite love and perfect love, which is self-sufficient, unconditional, blissful, spiritual, and never-ending. The infinite symbol represents a strong bond and a knot, which cannot be undone. My aim is to elevate your relationship from its current state of disconnect between two different types of people, to the infinite and content love.

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